Spacebase Df-9 Download

Spacebase DF-9 Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Spacebase DF-9 is a simulation game. Spacebase DF-9 is developed by Double Fine Productions and published by Double Fine Productions. It was released in 27 Oct, 2014.

Spacebase DF-9 v2 - Space station building game

This is a community maintained fork of DoubleFine's original game, whichwas open sourced May 12, 2015 under the Common Public AttributionLicense (CPAL-1.0: (SeeLicensing History below for more discussion).


$ ./

This will copy the modified game files on top of your Steam installationof the game (after backing it up of course!) This assumes you let Steaminstall to its default location (i.e. under ~/.steam/). If you need tooverride the Steam path, this can be done with the STEAM_COMMON envvariable:

$ STEAM_COMMON='~/Foo/steam/steamapps/common/' ./

To restore the original game, just run:


$ ./ restore

Or else just direct Steam to re-install Spacebase DF-9. Note that savefiles won't necessarily be backwards compatible!

If you need to report a bug, please send us an email at spacebasehub atgmail dot com, including a description of what you were doing, your logfile and a screenshot of the bug - whatever you think would best help usunderstand the problem.

You can find your game log at:

Windows:Program Files (x86)steamsteamappscommonSpacebaseDF9moai_log_space.txt


If you can, also attach the save game located at:

Windows:Users<your user name>DocumentsSpacebaseDF9saves


To test events more quickly you can toggle the dev debug stuff so youcan generate a new list of events and activate them at yourwill. There’s a good amount of info on debugging on the wiki.

See DebugMenu.lua for how to implement new debugging operations.

Spacebase Df-9 Download

Spacebase df-9 cracked download

Derelict Games is at heart a collaborative open source project, andas such welcomes community contributions. You're welcome to sendnew art, one-off patches, content suggestions, and good ideas via theusual bug reporting instructions outlined above.

Spacebase Df-9 Download

Those wishing to do more substantial code contributions may wish to lookat our repository on gitlab. Send us a pull request if you havesomething cool to include.

If you'd like to participate more deeply and directly, that's great!We've got a '2 contributions' rule as an entry requirement, so get acouple patches accepted, or thumbs up from the art crew on a couplepieces of art or sound or whatnot. Then, just ask one of the currentteam and we'll get you hooked in!

What skills do you need? Most of the code is written in Lua, and asit's a big established codebase it overall requires Patience andPersistence. Artwork requires 3D modeling skills and a good eye fordesign, texturing is a plus; exports need to be in OBJ. Contentproduction requires a sense of humor and experience with standard Sci Fitropes. Translation work requires being able to write coherently inmore than one language. Packaging and porting requires depth ofknowledge in how your operating system works. Even more critical areskills like, 'Good teammanship,' and 'Having time to commit.'

Spacebase Df-9 Cracked Download

The code uses 'hungarian notation'. For an explanation, see

We believe the meaning is: n is Number, b is Boolean, t is Table, r isReference, e is Enum.check email

Spacebase Df 9 Community Patch

Licensing History

Games Like Spacebase Df 9

Path v1.07 Unofficial - Sep 27, 2015The official Unofficial Patch of v1.07 was released. A few bugs were recorded in emails, in forums and between us in the Slack system.Cxsquared has given us access to his server setup to be ready for a new website that has emails, forums and other various things.Patch v1.07.01 will be released Oct 6 or 7, 2015.

Resoration Code - Sep 20, 2015We have a Slack messaging system room. Similar to IRC, under the #Dev roomto come and chat with us about what we're all doing.

Spacebase Df 9 Mod

MOTD - May 12, 2015Open source license available at:

JP - Sept 17, 2014We’re also pleased to announce we’ll be releasing the game’s fullLua source code a short time after 1.0, which will allow thecommunity to create potentially far-ranging mods that add content,new features, and change some fundamental game behaviors.

Spacebase Jacksonville

JP - Oct 27, 2014The game’s Lua source code is now available in the game’s installdirectory on all platforms. Usually this will be in your Steamdirectory, under SteamAppscommonSpacebaseDF9DataScripts. If youown the game you can modify these files and distribute yourmodifications to other users as you like. A large portion ofSpacebase is written in Lua, so there are relatively few limits onwhat you can do with this.