Saying its innovative what a crock of horse poop, its linear and has more problems than past DS games is missing valuable past functions (such as poise) the proper poise not this half arsed hyper armour crap. Parry is way to easy as it the ease of booting a shield, and front stabbing akaA zero score because it doesn't deserve a rating, i see all these payed reviews PRAISING the game.
Saying its innovative what a crock of horse poop, its linear and has more problems than past DS games is missing valuable past functions (such as poise) the proper poise not this half arsed hyper armour crap. Parry is way to easy as it the ease of booting a shield, and front stabbing aka 1HK as it counts as a crit hit.
It took way to much away from what made the dark souls games, and turned it into blood borne 1.5 for all platforms. Which is not imo what the dark souls fans were paying for, i don't have a play station 4 and even if i did i wouldn't pay to play this crap again under another name. Even some blood borne players are saying this isn't as good as blood borne mechanically, Well duh I wonder why. Because dark souls wasn't designed to be played as such, you take a massive chunk of its GUTS away what do you think will happen ?…Expand
Dark Souls 3, Bandai/Namco, Xbox One, 95. Need to at least borough a friends account on Dark Souls 3 and go in and use there higher up character to fight.
Dark Souls 3 Xbox One
User Rating: 5 out of 5
Review title of SWP TrashboatThe Fire Fades, but that doesn't mean the legend will!
Dark Souls Xbox One Download
Now that the GOTY edition is out, it's time to write a proper review, Dark Souls III is the final game in the series 'for least' as Miyazaki said, and boy does this game leave it's mark. The game preserves it's reputation as being unforgivably difficult and entertaining, while at the same time offers room to grow as players learn the ropes, the game features over the top and intimidating bosses, and haunting environments with loads of vicious monsters, that get more and more intense the further you get into the game. This game seems to have nearly endless replayability with it's New Game Plus feature, making each subsequent playthrough harder with better rewards included, and a more in-depth Character creation system than the first two games offering dynamic playstyles and personalization, the game also features Co-op and PvP that can change the ebb and flow of the game and offer a new experience each time you play, just be wary of those pesky invaders, and Prepare To Die!!!